Enhanced cleaning programs are the need of the hour. As facilities across the world begin to reopen and pandemic restrictions loosen, it is important to ditch the traditional cleaning methods and adopt new technology to get the job done.
Electrostatic disinfection is one such modern disinfection method that has made it easier for employees to return to offices and businesses run as usual. The return, although will be slow, can be made safer through electrostatic disinfection. In this post, we are going to understand how electrostatic disinfection helps do that. So, stay with us till the very end. Let’s get started!
What is Electrostatic Disinfection?
To help you understand electrostatic disinfection, we want to take you back to the 1960s where people started using electrostatic sprays in agriculture. The technology was also used in the automotive and other industries. So, the applications of electrostatic spray date back to the 20th century. It’s only now that this technology is being used for disinfection. Electrostatic disinfection is a perfect alternative to incompetent disinfection techniques to clean and disinfect offices and other commercial facilities where the risk of contracting the coronavirus or other pathogens is comparatively higher. Electrostatic disinfection is commonly being used even in schools and hospitals!
Is Electrostatic Disinfection Better Than Regular Cleaning ?
Business owners that are looking for better ways to disinfect have this question, especially when we recommend electrostatic disinfection. The technology is way better than regular cleaning and disinfection. There are so many benefits to using electrostatic disinfection, the most important of which is its ability to cover hard-to-reach areas. Conventional cleaning methods will not disinfect areas that the conventional trigger can’t reach.
Apart from this, electrostatic disinfection is more efficient and gives more control to the customer. There is hardly any case where the customer ended up overusing the chemicals. Most importantly, the time to disinfect has come down significantly with electrostatic disinfection. The technology allows the people/employees to return to the disinfected space after one to two hours from the completion of disinfection treatment. However, one must make sure that the areas are completely dry before the employees get on with their usual work.
How to Prepare Your Room for Electrostatic Disinfection?
The preparation is necessary before you get on with the process. Although electrostatic disinfection is quite safe on almost all surfaces, it is recommended that you take certain things out of the area where you are going to disinfect. If you have upholstery, wooden items, or electronics in the area, leave them there. They will not get damaged. However, if you have food items, clothing, or essential documents, or newspapers, you would want to get them out since these items will get damaged from electrostatic disinfection. Also, ensure there’s no employee in the area when the professional cleaners are at their job. Make them return only when the treatment is done (preferably one or two hours after it.)
How Often Should You Use Electrostatic Disinfection?
The frequency of the treatment is something customers are concerned about. Well, the frequency of electrostatic disinfection will depend on the exposure your business and office get to viruses and pathogens. Although the treatment can be done on an as-needed basis, we highly recommend conducting electrostatic disinfection on a regular basis.
Wrapping Up
There you have it. Electrostatic disinfection is quickly becoming the most sought after cleaning and disinfection method, mostly among business owners looking to treat their offices. And fortunately, our team of professional cleaners is perfect at executing electrostatic disinfection and cleaning. Looking for an honest and straightforward quote for our cleaning and disinfection services? Connect with us today!